Tuesday, May 17, 2022

PCT Day 2

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PCT Day 2, 14 May 2022 (Saturday)

Season 1, Episode 2 - “The One That Was Better Than Yesterday”

Start Location:

Lake Morena


Mount Laguna

PCT Miles Day 2:


Cum PCT Miles:


Non-PCT Miles Day 2:


Cum All Miles:


PCT Miles Remaining:


Elevation Gain Day 2:


Cum Elevation Gain:


Surprisingly, I actually woke up feeling fairly good. I guess all the liquids I drank at the end of the day yesterday absorbed into my body. Today was another very hot day, in the 90s, it was also a slightly longer mileage day. But, it didn’t seem nearly as bad as yesterday. Even though today also had greater elevation gain, I think the biggest difference was that there were good sources of water along the way. I drank at least twice as much water on trail today as I did yesterday. I cruised at a pretty good pace the last few miles into Mount Laguna, so that’s a good sign. It’s another long day tomorrow, we’ll see how it goes.

Just a bit further to go (though it's really 2,632 miles)

Morena Buttes, left, and Corte Madera. These are good day hikes in San Diego County.

First under the bridge walk, Buckman Springs Rd.

15:55 minutes per mile and a 104 heart rate, that's what I like to see.  Gotta love the flat spots.

This is the kind of day where rattlesnakes like to shimmy into the short shade of the shrubs and grass. And sure enough, this juvenile southern pacific rattler appeared near the end of the day. It was courteous enough to warn me with a juvenile rattle.

It feels good to be in the mountains.

Call me a wimp , but this is where I stayed on my second night. It actually makes it easier to get an early start on Sunday.

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PCT End Of Hike Summary

<--PREVIOUS PCT End Of Hike Summary "A Summary Of My PCT Thru Section Hike"   This is the hardest post to write.  I could prob...